Single mother network
Network meetings for Solo Mothers at Aagaard Clinic
There are now a lot of women who choose to have a child alone with the use of donor sperm. If you are a single woman, you can choose to start your own family without a partner using donor sperm.
Every year we treat more and more self-chosen single mothers here at Aagaard - and many have told us that they would like to get in touch with other women in the same situation.
You can either be treated using IUI (insemination) or IVF (test tube treatment). This is done on the basis of a medical assessment.
We would very much like to help establish a network of 'Solo mothers' groups' - that's why we have chosen to set up Network start-up meetings for Solo mothers, and have experienced great success with the meetings.
The groups are for those women who intend to start fertility treatment as a self-selected single mother, are in fertility treatment or have been in fertility treatment. You will meet on the given date at Aagaard Clinic. The women who want to continue meeting in the solo mothers group can then arrange future meetings themselves outside Aagaard's auspices.
The Solo Mothers groups are intended as an informal, non-binding and confidential forum, and the meetings are free.
All meetings are held in Danish.
See next meeting date on the Danish site
Solomødre netværksmøde