Early Chromosome Examination: Evita Test Complete
Unter allen nicht-invasiven pränatalen Tests bietet „Evita Test Complete die genaueste Antwort auf dem Markt, ob es Grund zur Besorgnis über die Entwicklung des ungeborenen Kindes gibt – was glücklicherweise in mehr als 97 % der Fälle nicht der Fall ist (je nach das Alter der Schwangeren). Darüber hinaus können Sie mit dem Test das Geschlecht des Babys nach der 12. Schwangerschaftswoche herausfinden.
You are now ready to have a look to see if your fetus has a chromosomal defect early in the pregnancy.
This is done through a blood test and is therefore completely risk-free.
An Evita Test Complete analyzes the fetal DNA and shows whether there are any chromosomal abnormalities.
It is the only non-invasive prenatal test on the market that examines the image of the fetal chromosomes without risk to the fetus. The chromosomal abnormalities examined can include Down syndrome and other lesser known genetic syndromes that can lead to serious complications in life. The special method of the test is combined with an individual medical assessment.
Why does the Aagaard Clinic recommend Evita Test Complete?
Johnny Hindkær, Scientific Director and Laboratory Manager says:
„Evita Test Complete provides an answer as to whether there is any cause for concern about the further development of the child - which fortunately is not the case in more than 97% of cases (depending on the age of the pregnant woman). In addition, the test allows you to find out the sex of the child after the 12th week of pregnancy.”
How does an Evita Test Complete work?
A blood sample must be taken, which is analyzed with a special technology and assessed by a specialist in genetics. You will receive an answer 5 days after the blood test. The test can be performed between the 10th and 14th week of pregnancy. However, information on the sex of the child is given at the earliest in the 12th week of pregnancy (according to Danish law). Documentation of the gestational age must therefore be provided before the gender can be revealed.
If the answer is not as expected
The vast majority of results are normal. In a few cases, deviations are found that require extra attention. Here you will be offered an interview with a doctor with expert knowledge in clinical genetics, where you will discuss the results of the test together. That way, you will be well taken care of.
See the price for an Evita Test Complete here.
Read more about EVITA TEST COMPLETE here
Order an Evita Test Complete
You can order the test and make an appointment for a blood test by calling us or emailing us. The blood sample must be taken in the morning between 7.30 and 9.00 a.m., whereby you can suggest a weekday from Monday to Thursday if you wish. It takes about 20 minutes to collect the blood sample.
Contact the clinic to make an appointment: 0045 86 12 61 21