Lesbian couples
Same sex couples
Every year we help many lesbian single women and couples to become parents, both Danish women and foreign ones.
The treatment is with donor sperm, and we are happy to advise on the choice of donor.
If pregnancy is not achieved after a number of inseminations (usually up to 6), artificial insemination IVF / test tube treatment is an alternative.
In Denmark, the legislation provides many options for women who use sperm from a sperm bank.
Donor can be:
- Anonymous
- Extended profile
- "Open", so that the child can later get in touch with the donor.
- Known donor, for example a friend or acquaintance.
There are rules about "co-maternity" when performing fertility treatment with donor sperm. There is more information on the Family Court's (formerly called the State Administration) website www.familieretshuset.dk
Please note that the State Administration's forms must be signed before processing to be valid.